
The world is not to be put in order;

the world is order incarnate.

It is for us to harmonize with this order.

— Henry Miller

That’s pretty much my deep-down motivating worldview — and why I studied ecology and landscape design, think about sustainability a lot, and love gardens to pieces.

In the more personal realm, it’s also why I latched onto numerology when I first came across it years and years ago. Along with writing, I use it to get my thoughts in order. It’s the patterns and the energetic qualities the Numbers represent that fascinate me. You know, I sometimes even dream in Numbers…

Subscribe to Real and Imaginary

I’ve revived my Numbers blog as a newsletter on substack. It’s called Real and Imaginary [ Numbers ]. Add your email address to the mailing list to receive new updates every Monday and on the first day of the month. You’ll receive an email right in your inbox that includes the full update — or you can read on the web or with the substack app on your mobile device.

Check it out: Real and Imaginary on substack. (Use this link if you’d like to read it before providing your email address.)

Wondering about Numerology Reports (aka ‘readings’)?

Those of you who know know I also ‘do people’s Numbers’ — usually round about their birthday. It’s always been on a casual, word-of-mouth basis, but plans are in the works to change things up a bit and formalize the process. All in the spirit of letting you know what’s what! xo

At the moment…I’ve put doing reports on hold for the remainder of 2024 while I focus on a couple of key projects. In December I’ll post an update here, and probably in the newsletter as well, with details about new options. Anyone who’s interested will be able to arrange a reading beginning in the new year.

Until then thanks so much for checking in. If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to or connect on instagram @heyjerilynn (where I’ve been lurking for quite some time but expect to be more engaged ‘going forward’ ;).
